Wood Cutting Boards

End Grain Cutting Board

Due to the structure of wood fibers in end grain cutting boards, they have a sort of self-healing attribute to them. As the knife’s edge makes contact with the surface of the board, it goes in between the fibers, and they close right back in after you lift the blade. 

This characteristic makes them an excellent cutting board for butchering and carving. End grain cutting boards won’t require resurfacing as much as their counterparts and will have a perfect, scratchless surface for a longer time. They take a beating quite well and won’t show scratch marks as the fibers will close back eventually. 

Though they absorb more moisture, you can make end grain boards repel water more by oiling frequently.  

End grain cutting boards are also heavier, which is good if you want your cutting board to remain stable while slicing ingredients.

£115.00 400 x 400mm

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